There will be an interdepartmental seminar at Libala SDA Church on Sabbath, 26th January, 2013 from 14 hours and on Sunday, 27th January, 2013 from 09 hours to 17 hours.
Please carry parked lunch on Sunday
There will be a Longacres family music day to be held at Longacres church next sabbath the 19th of January, 2013. All singers, Poets, and everyone interested should please attend rehersals starting on Sunday 13th at 15:00hrs at church. For more details, kindly get in touch with the music leaders - Sr. Kaundula and Deacon Ng'ändu or the church elders.
Let us praise our Lord with our Voices together! Shalom!
Registration fee for couples that plan to attend SID marriage retreat in Victoria Falls Town, Zimbabwe has been revised from US$15 to US$30. This one day retreat is billed for 1st February, 2013. The fee includes lunch at the Elephant Hotel. Deadline for payment is 15th January, 2013
We regret to announce the death of Elder Andyford Phiri who died on 9th January,2013 and burried on 11 th January,2013.The Phiri family is thanking church members for your moral and spiritual support rendered during this trying moment.May God richly bless you all.
We would like to inform you that Pastor George Mwansa has been appointed as the new district pastor for Kabulonga Mission District. This follows the departure of Pastor Highteen Hamweene who has been appointed as Youth Director at the Lusaka Conference.